Monday, August 20, 2012

First Ever Health Presentation for The General Community

Event: Health Presentation for The General Community (IN SPANISH!)

Presenter: Dr. Jose Alvino Ventura NMD

Title of Presentation: Learning from Our Ancestors: Eating Healthy Using Traditional Foods

What is it About?: Information will be given to the community about the cultural and nutritional value of certain traditional foods that are consumed in the region of Mexico and Central America 

Location: Dr. Jose Alvino Ventura NMD's Clinic
(Dentro de Esperanza High School)

Address: 2507 E. Bell Road, Phoenix, AZ, 85032 (25th St. and Bell Road)

Date: 9/18/2012

Time: 8:00PM

Cost: $5.00 (12 year old and over)

For More Information: (623) 428-2578

Monday, August 13, 2012

Avocado (Persea americana)

The Avocado (Persea americana) comes from a wonderful tree native to Mexico and Central America that has provided  not only its fruit (the avocado) for nourishment but also its leaves for herbal medicine and as a cooking spice to our Mayan and Nahuan peoples for thousands of years.

The avocado fruit provides essential fatty acids and vitamins and minerals and is one of the healthiest plant foods (not to mention tastiest).

The avocado leaves used as a cooking spice provide something similar in taste to anise and bay leaves combined. Medicinally avocado leaves are used for a wide array of ailments ranging from respiratory ailments to skin problems.

Ashta Nemanha Nuiknew!