Sunday, November 25, 2012

Red Earth White Lies (Book)

I just got done reading the book Red Earth White Lies: Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific Fact written by Vine Deloria Jr. and I can say that it is one of the best books I have read thus far. I can clearly say that I love this book!!!

In my opinion Vine Deloria Jr. in this book has answered many of the questions that I have had about the land we now know as the "Americas." His book to me exposes the ways in which the scientific establishment has found meticulous ways to promote a eurocentric and racist view of the Indigenous people's of the Americas. Furthermore he sheds light on the vast knowledge that American Indians have of their lands from how they were formed to the flora and fauna that existed. I truly agree with Vine Deloria Jr's argument that the reason why this knowledge has been cast aside as myth and fanciful stories is in order to continue propogating an erroneous view that American Indians were primitive people's that arrived to these lands only 12,000 years ago and to assert a eurocentric monopoly on academic knowledge. Additionally the other reason that American Indian knowledge has been suppressed is to justify the robbing of their lands and pillaging of their ways of life and resources.

I truly recommend everyone to read this book.

Astha Nemanha,

Dr. Ventura

Monday, October 29, 2012

Documentary: Herederos de Cushcatan

A beautiful documentary that showcases the cultural traditions of my people the Pipil of  Cuscatlan (present day El Salvador). I applaud everyone that made this film possible. I present to you "Herederos de Cushcatan"

Monday, August 20, 2012

First Ever Health Presentation for The General Community

Event: Health Presentation for The General Community (IN SPANISH!)

Presenter: Dr. Jose Alvino Ventura NMD

Title of Presentation: Learning from Our Ancestors: Eating Healthy Using Traditional Foods

What is it About?: Information will be given to the community about the cultural and nutritional value of certain traditional foods that are consumed in the region of Mexico and Central America 

Location: Dr. Jose Alvino Ventura NMD's Clinic
(Dentro de Esperanza High School)

Address: 2507 E. Bell Road, Phoenix, AZ, 85032 (25th St. and Bell Road)

Date: 9/18/2012

Time: 8:00PM

Cost: $5.00 (12 year old and over)

For More Information: (623) 428-2578

Monday, August 13, 2012

Avocado (Persea americana)

The Avocado (Persea americana) comes from a wonderful tree native to Mexico and Central America that has provided  not only its fruit (the avocado) for nourishment but also its leaves for herbal medicine and as a cooking spice to our Mayan and Nahuan peoples for thousands of years.

The avocado fruit provides essential fatty acids and vitamins and minerals and is one of the healthiest plant foods (not to mention tastiest).

The avocado leaves used as a cooking spice provide something similar in taste to anise and bay leaves combined. Medicinally avocado leaves are used for a wide array of ailments ranging from respiratory ailments to skin problems.

Ashta Nemanha Nuiknew!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My clinic is now open

 I am happy to inform you that my Naturopathic medical clinic which offers general family practice medicine and natural therapies opened this month (June 2012.)

The clinic is located inside Esperanza Community Collegial Academy at the following address:

Dr. Jose Alvino Ventura NMD

2507 E. Bell Road
Phoenix, AZ, 85032

For more information please call the following telephone number:
Tel: (623) 428-2578

Operating Hours: Monday-Thursday 3:00 PM-8:00PM


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Therapeutic Use of Water

Water is a very powerful natural therapeutic agent that is oftentimes overlooked because of it simplicity and ubiquity plus it is something taken for granted in developed countries. Water in its various temperatures and physical states (liquid, solid and gas) has applications for many health conditions. The peoples of Mesoamerica are no strangers to these health benefits and the application of water as a therapeutic agent survive for example in the use of the temazcal (sweat bath), therapeutic full body baths which may or may not be infused with herbs.

In not so distant times it was customary for most people living in rural areas of Mexico and Central America to take their daily baths in ice cold rivers or lakes early in the morning and it is thought that this daily ritual was vital not only for higiene but also for the restoration and prolongation of overall health. Modern studies in "Hydrotherapy" which is the use of water as a therapeutic agent have demonstrated that short applications of cold (less than 1 minute) stimulate the immune system, stimulate the metabolism and increase circulation.

So remember to not overlook a powerful therapeutic agent that is oftentimes only as far as the bathroom sink.

Astha Nemanha Nuiknew! 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I Received My Medical License!

This week I received my medical license and am officially a Naturopathic Physician. What this accomplishment means is that I now have the priviledge of practicing family medicine with an emphasis on natural therapies in the state of Arizona, United States of America. This development opens up a world of opportunities for me in terms of starting my own practice.

Ashta Nemana Nuiknew!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I Will Receive My Medical License Soon!

 It is with great pleasure that I announce to everyone that within a month or so I will have my medical license in my hands and will be able to practice as a Naturopathic Physician (Family practice with emphasis in natural medicine) here in the state of Arizona, United States. Thus the dream of opening a medical clinic that incorporates our ancestral medicine is closer to materializing here in Arizona thanks to the fact that I passed my board exam.

As always I thank all that have visited this blog to read my posts and also to all of those whom have helped me personally at any moment.

I will keep everyone posted with updates on the project at hand

Ashta Nemana Nuiknew!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Salt Water Gargle

Salt is so ubiquitous in our society today that many people would find it surprising that it has been used as an effective remedy for various health complaints around the world for millenia. In the Mesoamerican region one of the uses of common table salt is in the form of a simple gargle.

To prepare a salt water gargle all that is needed is 2-3  teaspoons of salt (preferably sea salt or rock salt fit for human consumption), warm water and a small cup. the gargle is made by mixing the sea salt in 1 to 2 ounces of water and placing it in the mouth lifting the head and gargling as when using mouth wash. DO NOT SWALLOW THE SALT WATER GARGLE!!! and spitting it out after a 2 minutes or so of gargling (take breaks while gargling). These steps should be repeated 6 times in a day.

The antimicrobial property of a salt gargle lies in the fact that salt naturally draws liquids to itself and acts as a dehydrating agent. When applied as a gargle the salt draws the moisture from inside the offending microorganism shriveling it up and causing it to die. Additionally salt also takes away the moist environmental conditions needed for the microorganism to thrive.

 Photo Acquired From:

Ashta Nemanha Nuiknew!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pine (Pinus spp.)

In the Americas there exists at least 35 species of the tree known as pine. The region where the pine grows in North and Central America extends from Canada down to Nicaragua.

Pine leaves have been used in Traditional Mesoamerican Medicine since ancient times in the form of hot teas or external ointments to treat respiratory problems such as the common cold and cough. Additionally pine leaves are used to treat arthritis.

Ashta Nemanha Nuiknew!